Well I couldn't be less of a tomato fan. I know, bizarre isn't it? I'm Italian, I like ketchup and sauce and tomato-Y flavored things. But the actual tomato is just so hein to me.
What did I read on my favorite news source this afternoon????? CNN.com reported that researchers are making a purpley tomato that is apparently super rich in antioxidants.
I mean we got a little jungle fever going on with the blue and the red but...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm don't they look just de-LISH!!???
Says the article:
"The novel pigment contains the same phytochemical found in blueberries that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Six years in the making, the purple hybrid could hit salad plates in two years."
This is where my tax dollars are going?
Now, don't get me wrong. I would never bemoan cancer research, but, umm, why not take those six years that were spent making a purple tomato and actually research curing cancer itself??? I mean blueberries already have all that antioxidant stuff in it. Researchers could have just spent the six years coming up with salad recipes that take blueberries instead of going through the hassle of morphing a tomato into something that it possibly wasn't ready to become. Who are we to decide that the tomato is ready to shed it's red identity and carry the responsibility of reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease?
Awfully presumptuous of us.
Click here for the full article.