I am currently obsessed with Craig Ferguson of The Late Late Show.
I just think he is so damn sexy. Ok...well maybe not in the above picture but how about this one:
I mean come on! YUM!!!
He's on super late, after another one of my obsessions, Letterman (how do you NOT love Letterman's laugh??!!) but I usually tune in because I'm typically wide awake due to paranoia and the impending doom I feel about how my life is on a slow boat to nowhere. The second he begins his monologues and starts to gesticulate wildly I settle in for some late night chuckles.
And Craigykins does make me laugh. He's able to make me giggle myself to sleep with his shifty eyes, putty like face that contorts into the weirdest shapes and his insanely thick eye brows. The Scottish accent doesn't hurt either.
In my humble opinion, he's better looking than Conan (who looks like he should be albino) and funnier than Leno. He doesn't quite top my Letterman just yet, but he's definitely easier on the eyes than the familiar host of the Late Show.
And, Craig is wedding ring free. Meh...a girl can dream.