My friend John Bain is in town this week, staying in my guest room. After much deliberation and date changing we decided to have a BBQ at my apartment last night. The Ukrainian Princess and the Agent of Fabulousness came too!
Anyway, I'm not going to get too detailed about the night. I will say that The Donna's cheeseball was a home run as per usual. And that you need to read Brennon's blog Bathwater, Baby detailing one specific part of the evening where my jumpiness got the better of me.
::sidebar:: Brennon ALWAYS makes fun of me for how I use phrases that a 90 year old woman would use. I said, "I don't want to upset the apple cart" yesterday over gchat and he nearly stroked out from it. So it's no coincidence that he said that I have a "bee in my bonnet."
Enjoy! And read his blog thoroughly!!