How wonderful. Jason Varitek, his glorious thighs and the rest of the Red Sox are in 1st place as they head into the All-Star break.
Even more wonderful? The All-Star game is at Spankee Stadium! Boooo hissss....
This blog may come back to bite me in the ass. After all the Red Sox do have a tendency to blow it in the fall baseball months (September swan song anyone?) but as long as they stay strong and Kevin Youkilis stays crazy I think they have one hell of a chance to make it to the World Series. And win!
What I'm not looking forward to? Joe Buck's mug (along with his ever changing eye wear) and his constant back handed remarks about the Sox and how they are never worthy enough to beat their opponent. Find a new team to torture Joe.
If this post-season was anything like last post-season I'll need to reserve a room at the Betty Ford come November.
Play ball!
A little trivia for all you trivia fans:
What are the only two days when there are no professional sports being played?
The days before and after the All-Star Game!