The music switched to a Pit Bull song (the one where he's like hotel! motel! Holiday Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn!) and Instructor Lisa started jumping up and down. Ok. Fun. I can jump and not look out of place. Mid-jump I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Or rather I caught a glimpse of my chest in the mirror. My boobs were out of control. Going this way and that way. They were practically motor-boating me! Note to self: Go sports bra shopping this weekend and buy something that fits you not because it's $1.99 and a pretty color.
There were a couple of songs where we had to dip our butts to the floor and do some moves that I've only ever seen in rap videos and the Christina Aguilera Dirrty concert tour. I couldn't stop laughing. I mean I usually only do these moves when it's 2am and I've had four too many vodka sodas. Due to my intense giggling, I missed the part where we were supposed to spin and ended up being face to face with the girl in front of me while we both dropped it like it was hot.
I was beet red and sweating when Britney Spears's "3" song came blasting out of the speakers. "WOOOHOOOO!" I yelled along and clapped with the instructor. I sang along as I shimmied to the beat:
"1, 2, 3 why don't me you and be bead a boop boop beeeeeeeee bing a bong, bing bing bing.." (Those are totally the words right?)
Now everyone has problem areas right? Mine are my arms. It seems that no matter what I do, my arms always look like ham hocks. However, while I was dancing to "3" we had to do this grinding motion to the floor and even though I had stopped moving, my spare tire kept Zumba-ing.
Not. Cute. But that's why I'm doing Zumba right? To shed some inches??
The class was a solid 45 minutes of dance. At the end as we were gathering our things I noticed two girls who stayed back and were stretching.
"Hey. Have you done this class before?" I asked.
One girl replied, "Yes I did it before. But the other instructor is way more militant. Like you know how this girl let us rest in between?"
CWow replied, "Ummm...we rested? When?"
"Well anyway, the other instructor is a little more fast paced but I liked this girl."
"Cool. Thanks for the info."
"See you next Wednesday!"