I was talking with Michelle and Christine last night and a story came up when I called a guy and he gave me the biggest brush off to end all brush offs. I realized I never blogged about it, and after getting much shit from both of them about how I haven't blogged in forever, I decided to share this story with everyone!
It was a few years ago, probably 2006 and I was still living in Boston. My friend Iggy was celebrating his birthday in Cambridge and we were all assembling for a night of drinks and karaoke sing-a-longs.
It was one of those fun nights where everyone is super cool. Like even though you don't know half of the people there you're still able to fall into easy conversation with them and the laughs came regularly.
When I arrived on scene I noticed a guy with Iggy and his friends. He was tall and handsome. He caught my attention right away. We introduced ourselves (Hi I'm Lisa, Hi I'm Ben) and spent the night chatting and laughing with the rest of the crew. I went outside a couple of times and Ben came with me to keep me company and we just talked. We had the same sense of humor and he was super nice. I made a note to definitely ask Iggy about him.
As the night wound down I noticed that Ben had gone to the bathroom and hadn't come back for a while. Definitely weird but I didn't want to think what was going on in there (I mean when someone drinks a lot of beer it can cause gastrointestinal havoc) so I headed home with LK. On the ride back we did a post-mortem on this guy and LK definitely thought he was into me.
With LK confirming that I should give him a call, I contacted Iggy for his number. I waited a couple of days and armed with Ben's digits decided to give him a buzz on my ride home.
"Hey Ben. It's Lisa, Iggy's friend. We met at the bar."
"Oh, hey Lisa."
"How are you?"
"Good. Good."
"Soooooo....I was wondering if one day this week you wanted to grab a drink."
"A drink huh?"
"Ermmm....yeah. A cocktail of sorts."
"Well, I'm actually busy for the entire month of October."
*crickets, crickets, crickets*
"Wh...uh...you're busy the entire month of October?"
And like a lame ass, how did I reply?
"Ok. What about November?"
"You know I'm not really sure how my schedule is looking for November."
"Ooookay. Well....I guess if anything opens up? Give me a call?"
Hang up Lisa. HANG UP!
I mean really? That's your excuse? You're busy the entire month of October? He could've at least just said, "You know what I'm really not that interested but thank you for the call." When people lay down sketchy excuses like that it makes me think that they have alternative lives. Like a wife, a Welsh Corgi and 7.5 kids at home.
Needless to say I never heard from Ben after that call. I did see him at another gathering if Iggy's but I was basically just like "you're lame."