Oh the disappointment.
So this evening I had a date. We decided to grab drinks at this little bar in the city that has good ambiance, a cool crowd and played the game. Cool girl (me..obv), cool guy (him...or so I thought) and sports. Oh and booze. What else do you need exactly?
We posted up at a table where we could both see the game and I started to talk about sports and how I have a lot of vendors who I work with that are based out of New York, and being a Boston fan they totally call me up and harass me. Just a little fun fact.
Date gestures towards the TV where the Celtics were playing the Pistons and goes, "So being the big sports fan you are, can you tell me which player is on the court tonight after not playing for a while."
"Oh I have no idea. Um..."
"Well I thought you were a HUGE Boston sports fan?"
This was five minutes into the date. And this was not the cute little nudge me on my shoulder being cute kind of comment. This was him ready to throw it down to see who knew more about sports.
"Well. I like the Sox and the Pats. I don't really follow the Celtics."
"Well it's Ray Allen."
"Cool. If I followed the Celtics I'd care."
We hadn't even ordered drinks yet.
The (painful) conversation moved to work. Somehow he found the time to stop talking about himself to ask me how work was going.
"Oh busy. I have this project that I'm working on and I really am having a hard time focusing on it because it's one thing after another."
"Yeah. My work is like that too. I get to the office at like 6:30 and then I work like 16 hour days. I'm just really really busy."
Yeah this was the type of guy who said stuff like this hoping that you'd stroke his ego and ask questions like "Oh so why are you so busy?" and "Wow you work 16 hour days. You must be really important."
Um. I'm busy and important enough. I can barely muster the effort to talk about my own job let alone listen to someone else's bullshit.
Oh and did I mention that he works for a rental car company. He basically rents cars. Which is fine but we're not curing cancer here folks. And let is just be known that in the other department he was no prize. Not like I was having drinks with Tom Brady. This was your average run of the mill Joe. If he wasn't such a DICK he'd be just "that guy" that you date.
Well since the topic was him we started to talk about car rentals and then we somehow got on the topic of SUV's and I mentioned how you don't see that many of them on the road since gas is so much more expensive.
While I was making my very astute point he reached back for his wallet and pulled out, what looked like a credit card. He held it up like the ORBITZ gum girl holds up the pack to say, "Fabulous" and goes, "This right here...(waggle, waggle) yeah...I don't pay for gas. Perk of my job."
He straight up whipped out his free gas card. Who does that?! Am I supposed to be impressed by that? Now, you whip out a black Amex then you've got my attention (and probably my body for the night).
Still on the topic of his work and his life and him, I regaled him with my tale of the first time I rented a car, which happened to be in Minnesota (oooh you betcha!) through Hertz.
I couldn't figure out if he was choking or having a heart attack. Because surely he wasn't flipping out about how I rented a car through Hertz. Because that would be like him telling me how he bought product at Kheil's and me throwing down my napkin in horror because he didn't buy product at Fresh. So surely this groaning was not in response to my Hertz comment.
"Yeah. I got it through Hertz and the experience was pleasant other than the fact that I didn't like the GPS."
"*psha* Yeah. Their GPS that's wired into the car? So you can't even pop it out."
"Um..yeah. But well if you could pop it out wouldn't people like, try to steal it? "
"Yeah at my rental car company we have the one's that pop out."
"Oh so like the Garmin?"
*smug smile, nod*
"Oh I love the Garmin in my car. I think I'd still be lost if I didn't have one."
"Yeah.....I don't *need* GPS."
Always envious of others with a keen sense of direction I said, "Oh that's good. You're lucky to have such a good sense of direction."
"Nah. Just comes with the territory of working for a car rental company. And I'd rather Map Quest it."
Now that I found just stupid.
"Wait. You'd rather use Map Quest, which is like 75% wrong instead of having a device that tells you to turn left, bear right and *boom* you're at your destination?"
"Yeah, I like the challenge."
"Interesting. I'm not a fan of reading while I drive."
There was not enough sangria in the world to get me through this.
Insert lull.
Insert me staring with eyes glazed over at the game.
Insert me checking out the HOTTT STRAIGHT host.
"So...where are all the rings?"
I stopped sucking on the orange rind from my sangria to look over at him. "Huh?"
He gestured towards my right hand, where only my ring finger housed a cute ring I purchased from Mint Juelip, "I just thought you'd be wearing more jewelery."
So guess what happened next? We talked more about cars and renting them.
I don't remember how it came up but I said that I'd never been in an accident.
"Really? You've never been in an accident? Not a fender bender? Or someone's car that you dinged and drove away."
"Um. No. Knock on wood I've never been in an accident."
"Well. It's bound to happen."
Mouth agape I said, "That is an awful thing to say and I don't know why you'd even say something like that."
"Well I've been in nine."
"Then apparently you're a really bad driver."
I have to give a shout out to the wait staff at this place though. They could tell I was dying a slow bad date death and God love 'em they would stop by the table to see how we were doing.
Then he made a comment about how I drink a lot.
"Wait what do you mean?"
"Well every time I talk to you you're always coming from drinks or going to get drinks or were at the L Street Tavern."
"Um so. That means I'm social. And I've been to L Street twice."
"Nope. Three times." And he actually held up three fingers.
"I remember three specific times that you've said you were at L Street."
"Ok. What are the times?"
"Oh you want me to recall them right now?"
"What? You don't remember now? Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash my friend." (And no that is not a Lisa Gradie original...unfortunately. But you can use it.)
He picked up the check for the one pitcher of sangria that we had. I glanced up at the game and there were 7 minutes left.
"So are we all set?" I needed to get away from this Bozo.
"Oh yeah." He stayed put.
"So can we go?"
"Oh...*glancing up at game* Ok."
Yeah. Let's move it.
We stood in front of the bar and I told him to drive safely back to Saugus. Now pay attention. I wish I made this up but it's all 110% true.
"Yes...back to Sausage."
"Ew. Why Sausage?"
"Because it's 95% Italian people."
"Um. I'm Italian."
"I know."
"Sausage huh? Not a meatball?"
"Well there's no connotation with a meatball."
I regarded him before I spoke. I looked him up and down and realized that this is not a person I'd even be friends with. In fact, this is a person I'd probably make fun of and terrorize simply because he's that annoying. I'd been nice, albeit argumentative, up to this point. I'd reached my boiling point. The straw had indeed broken that mother fucking camels back. So I said:
"A sausage. Interesting. So being Jewish do you enjoy when people use the typical Jewish stereotypes with you? Do you welcome that?"
He mumbled some sarcastic answer and I said, "Thanks for the drink. Have a good one."
I turned on my heel and fled. I fled as fast as the ice covered sidewalks could take me back to Susi and back to the people who don't annoy the shit out of me.
The End.
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