I don't like Oprah.
Yeah. I said it. Bring on the tar and feathers.
I find her incredibly self-righteous and insanely annoying. Also, she's one of those women who wears ridiculously high heels and then can't walk in them. I was watching her show once -not of my own volition, I was at a friends house- and she came on stage teetering on what appeared to be 6" heels. She could barely hold herself up! After she greeted the audience she plopped down on the couch and stayed there for the entire show. I don't even think she got up to greet her guest.
Last week I'm sitting on my couch, happily watching 30 Rock when who's mug appears on the screen? Oprah's. GAH! The woman has more money than God and she insists on walking around with those huge bags under her eyes. She could put her carry-on luggage in those things! And always appearing on the cover of her magazine? Is that really necessary? Well, actually I suppose it's good for the economy.If Oprah were to decide she didn't want to appear on her magazine covers she'd be putting a few hundred airbrushers out of business.
I was voted Most Likely To Have My Own Talk Show in my senior year of high school. Watch out. I'm coming for you Oprah.
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