Well it's down to the wire on So You Think You Can Dance (here-to-fore to be referred to as SYTYCD). The final four, Lacey, Danny, Neil and Sabra, are all poised to take the title. I'm not entirely sure what that title is but, for those in the dance world I'm sure it's a big deal. Oh and there's cash involved....250G's to be exact.
Me, I just like to watch them dance and want Wade Robson to do nasty sexual things to me.
My thoughts are as follows. And yes, I dedicate blogs to trite, flash in the pan television shows because I love TV and SYTYCD is way better than Idol and the host is a hell of a lot more tolerable than Seacrest. But I digress. My thoughts:
- I hate the fact that Lacey made it this far. Come oooooooooooon! She's the little sister of Benji, the dude who won it last season. I mean DUH! Everyone who voted for him is going to vote for her. Definitely a shrewd move by FOX indeedy to put her on there. Boost viewer ship and what not, but she's just so G-damn cocky I want to throw up when I see her heinous mug. When asked what made her join the show she replied, "Well I auditioned when I saw my brother Benji win it last year!" Tee-hee. Barf.
- Niel. Gay? Straight? It has absolutely nothing to do with his dancing. I'm just curious. He's pretty amazing though. He has come the farthest out of any of them. So if he wins I'd be OK with it. But he's not going to.
- Um. For those of you who already watched Part 1 of the finale tonight, Danny's solo? Three words: HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That was amazing. Where did this kid come from and why isn't he like totally famous being the Nutcracker or the prince in Sleeping Beauty? He's phenomenal!
- Now I didn't like Sabra at first. I thought she was way annoying and a full on clown parade. Oh and I got annoyed when she said that if she wasn't dancing she'd be a stand up comedian. Because she's not funny. I'm funny. But anyway...girls got some serious talent. And the kicker is that she's only been dancing for four years. Take THAT Lacey.
The whole feeling of the show tonight is reminiscent of the last day of school. Everyone's dance is amazing. Everyone looks amazing. Nobody can do anything wrong. It's all lovey dovey and Care Bears during the finale. Nigel is still British. Mary Murphy is still crazy and dressed like a turquoise farm threw up on her.(And she has no upper lip.) Oh and they brought back Dan Karaty for the finale. I love it. He's a full on nerdy point-dexter who is a hip-hop choreographer. (Although I did just IMDB him and apparently he's done work with *Nsync and Chestica Simpson. So I guess he's no slouch. But he's still the kid that sat behind me in Sunday School and put gum in my hair.)
Then you have Wade Robson (caaaaaaalll meeeeee) and Mia Michaels who are both brilliant in their own right but just come up with the craziest shit. Wade is like "Um...sooo Sabra and Lacey are both foxes and the scarves in their mouths represent their anguish about being a fox and they are lost and trying to find their foxy way back to their fox hole...."
Sort of out there. But Wade is tall and hot and has a nice voice.
Mia Michaels sort of scares me. Not gonna lie. She rocks that faux-hawk like it's her last day on earth and girlfriend WORK IT OUT. But she is definitely someone that I would never want to hang out with. I get the feeling that she thinks to much. Like if I asked her to pass the carrots she'd be like, "But why Lisa? Why do you want me to pass you the carrots. Do you want to eat them? Or are you merely trying to hide feelings for something deeper?"
"I just.....carrots.....eat....iiiiliiiiiiikkkkkeeecaaaaaan't...."
Ya get me?
So bravo dancers. I'm looking forward to the finale (when Lacey hopefully loses...I mean...)
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