Well hello.
After my harrowing experience at La Guardia on Saturday, I eventually made it back to Boston on Sunday afternoon, still in time to bust over to Norton and celebrate Father's Day with Dad and The Donna. We ate steak (yum!) watched golf (golf is a good walk spoiled) and then The Donna and I watched the Celtics give the game away to The Kobe LA Lakers.
As I pulled into my parents driveway I noticed all of their greenery. They have all sorts of pretty trees and hanging plants and flowers from a variety of exotic places all over the yard. Instantly I started to think of what my deck would look like if I brought flowers into the equation.
I've never been one to have a green thumb. My cousin gave me a plant at Easter and I forgot about it in my car. When I was a small child I used to only keep cacti because you only have to water them, what? every other month or something like that? My kind of plant!
But I really wanted to do up my deck. Summer is quickly approaching and with summer comes impromptu BBQ's after work. And what better place to have them than on my deck since I am right across the street from the beach. Perfect. First things first though, before I resurrected my green thumb, I had to do something about the peeling paint.
The houses on either side of my three-family just had new decks put on. It's not that my deck is old (well OK it's old) but it's not like the wood is rotting or anything (actually, yeah, the deck is not structurally sound at all) It just needs some TLC. But I refuse to put any work (read: lots of money) into it since I'm renting. This is where my need for a hobby kicks in!
I don't really think that watching all the TV one person can watch is considered a hobby. I need something to occupy my (single) time. My dad will ask me constantly if I ever think about taking up softball again (I played baseball/softball ever since I was a little kid, that was before I knew about manicures and pedicures and blowouts):
"No, dad. I don't' think I would take up softball again." (Plus One gets mad at me and tells me that Dad gets sad when I say this and that I should just lie and say that I do miss it. I mean I miss the competitiveness but not the laps and polyester uniforms! Dad, are you sad that I don't miss playing softball??)
"Really? You wouldn't join a league in Southie?"
"Um. Mostly likely no. But I'd watch my boyfriend play if I had one!"
I can barely get to the gym! Let alone make it in time for grounders with the team.
But paint scraping...THIS I could do!
*ring* *ring*
"Dad, what type of instrument do I need to scrape paint?"
"A paint scrapah."
"Ok. How do I obtain one of those?"
"You go to Home Depot and buy one for two dollahs."
I will begin my paint scraping hobby tonight! I'm leaving work at 5pm to head to HD at the South Bay Plaza. If you're in the vicinity look for the girl with the distressed leather gold purse, blue, white and green tank top, jeans and yellow flips looking UTTERLY confused.
In other news. I was flipping through the Sunday Times yesterday, (well OK that's not entirely true, I rifled through the paper to get the Style Section) and after torturing myself with reading every single one of the wedding announcements I opened up the style section. On the cover was Melissa C. Morris, a 28 year old blogger who married a 58 year old super duper rich guy from New York. The name of her blog is May/December (get it, for their age difference...*wah* *wah* *waaaaaah*) and she "writes" about things like the oh-so-painstaking process of picking out a new dishwasher for their house, ("Do we choose the model with the rack on the top or the rack on the bottom?? How am I ever going to decide which one to buy?!") and her beloved Italian Greyhoud Monty who she treats like a human.
This blog upsets me. Mainly because she's famous for doing nothing and middle American women eat this shit right up! She's your typical rich Manhattan housewife who's bored so she decides to blog about a trip to Bergdorf's or a trip to Scully & Scully to pick out a new desk chair that is probably the equivalent of a middle class person's mortgage.
She also has a picture of her and her grandfather husband on their wedding day. She is gingerly kissing the top of his head and he is clearly smiling because the excitement of the day mixed with all the Cialis he took is giving him the biggest boner he's ever had.
Barf. This type of blog is what ruins the good name for funny, smart, sharp women bloggers like myself. I'm not saying I'm saving the world and buying bamboo tampons, but I don't spend my days snapping photos of my dog eating ice cream and blogging about "how he ate da whoooole ting!"
Really. Why can't the SNYT do a profile on a woman with something to SAY? I mean Melissa C. Morris blogs about the new hot preppy tunic for the spring and her writing has as much personality as my stapler. Go do something! Go get into a fight! Grow your hair long! Get highlights! Just do something else!
I blog about this. Now I ask you, who deserves the NYT ink more?
In closing, has anyone here ever sent a smack talking text message to the person you were talking smack about by accident? Yeah. WHOOPSY DAISY! What's more awkward than awkward??? I tried to make a joke about it since what I wrote wasn't untrue at all. But I'm sure the person is still mad about it. Even though I'm the one who feels like the heel.
Happy Monday!
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