So I was in Baltimore this past weekend visiting Zing, the bride-to-be. Considering her wedding was planned a week after she got engaged there really isn't that much left to do on her end. Basically it now comes down to me to plan the party stuff. Which I'm completely cool with and quite frankly can't wait to get down to business!
The weekend actually isn't what I'm blogging about. We had fun. We shopped and I punished H&M. Jen got me up at 8:30 this morning which was lovely considering our 1a.m. lights out. It was relaxing and low-key and as my sister said, "I think its nice that you and Jen visit each other." So there you go.
What I am going to comment on are my two flights.
Boston to Baltimore
Now. When I travel I am not really a carry-on type of gal. I usually check my luggage. Not because I can't fit 3oz bottles into a zip lock bag the size of a coaster but because I am that person who brings her entire wardrobe with her. Or should I say USED to be that person. That's right folks. I actually brought a carry on suitcase for my entire weekend in Bmore.
My flight was scheduled to take off at 4:30 on Friday and at noon I found out that it was delayed by one hour. So everything got moved to 5:30. No problem. I arrived at Logan and began my walk down to the Air Tran terminal. But not before totally wiping out in the middle of the United Air ticketing counter. Oh yeah. I totally ate it as I was trying to walk in my very smart outfit with my very smart boots and my carry on luggage. I landed in a sort of kneeling position so if one were to look at me it would appear as if I was about to propose to someone. As I hoisted myself up off the floor, right knee throbbing, I realized that no one came over to see if I was OK. Some touristy woman hollered, "YA ALRIGHT??" but that was it. Where's the sympathy? Where, I ask, is the love? DON'T THEY KNOW WHO I AM??!!!
I continued to security. I handed the guy my boarding pass and ID. He regarded it for a second and then his squirrelly looking cohort came over and took my license in his hand.
"Oh look. It's Lisa."
The squirrelly one then continued, "Born in 1981!" he exclaimed while shoving my ID in the other guys face.
"Um. Yup. That's me."
The original security guy I handed my boarding pass over to then looked at the cohort and said, "Yup. That's her," and handed me back my pass and ID.
Odd. I didn't know whether to stay where I was and let TSA drag me away or to just continue. Obviously I continued.
I proceeded on up to my gate where there was no where to sit. Sweet. This flight was going to be packed tighter than a crabs asshole. I squeezed between a man who looked like the Unibomber and another dude who looked like A-Rod's really ugly brother. And it always amazes me how miserable people are when their flight is delayed. It really shows how little you travel when you flip the fuck out because your flight is delayed a half an hour.
Try being delayed for four hours at Logan waiting for a flight to take you to the most awful place on earth (Las Vegas). A half hour is a cake walk.
This is where the Carry On vs. Checked Luggage debate comes in.
The classy Air Tran boards by Zone and I was in Zone 6; the second to last row to board. Now mind you I am not a seasoned carry-on traveler so I didn't realize that once I got on the plane there would be no where for me to put my luggage. What is wrong with people?! Do they find it necessary to put their jacket up in the overhead? Put it on your lap you idiot. And what's with the luggage all willy-nilly?? I had to physically remove the contents of the overhead, two rows down from me to fit my bag and the rest of the belongings in there.
The upside of my flight there was that I was seated next to a really really skinny girl who slept the entire time and shellacked herself to the window. So I was free to wave my arms and legs around like a wild Octopus.
Oh and I did notice that the guy sitting in the row that had my luggage was super hot. Married but hot none the less and we kept making eyes. When we landed I gave him my best smile and said, "Can you do me a favor?"
He inched forward like I was going to ask for his number, or if he was really.
"Can you grab my bag? The red one on the right. Thanks."
Baltimore to Boston
Well my flight started off being a half hour delayed. Meh. No problem. I was really OK with it because it allowed me to hang out with Jen longer and watch "My Big Redneck Wedding" on CMT.
After arriving at BWI and pulling up a prime spot on the floor I began to people watch: a cute guy sitting on his luggage, two couples who were on the plane with me coming down here, heading back to Boston, the creepy guy who walked around with just a book and no other belongings.
Then the guy announced that our inbound air craft had landed and we'd be leaving on time. *Yahooooo!!!*
I meandered my way up to the front. I had the unfortunate luck of being in Zone 6 again and I was not succumbing to the same dubious bag fate that I did on the flight down here. I was going to be a renegade. I was going to sneak on early and with three carry-ons to boot!
"Ladies and gentleman I have some unfortunate news. Due to weather Boston is only landing planes on one runway so we won't be taking off until at least 7p.m. tonight."
Sweet. I went to Hudson News and got some pretzels and rag mags and posted up at the terminal next to a blind girl.
Can I just say how annoying high school kids are? Like, goddamn they are so effing annoying! The don't shut up, they're loud and they snap their gum with such ferocity you'd think they were training for Beijing '08. (I know I have some HS readers out there. Please don't be offended, but maybe take what this older sage has to say and think about it. Us foggies need our quite time.)
As many of my friends know, when I am severely displeased with someone or something I stare and I give a look that is indescribable (if I had a camera phone I'd take a pic for you. But let's not bring that up.). In any case I was giving these teens the stink eye big time. But it didn't stop one of them from coming up to me and asking me if I wanted to play spoons.
"Spoons! You wanna play?" She stared me eagerly, her double pierced ears and slight acne urging me to play what I'm sure was once a game for the times when we did not have electricity.
"No. I don't want to play spoons. But thanks." I went back to tapping away on my non-camera phoned Blackberry. Shockingly enough the game was fucking annoying and I had to move with all of my luggage to another area of the terminal. Thank god we boarded shortly after. Boston had decided to let us poor plebs in Baltimore get home. Weather and gale-force winds be damned.
So my boarding goes a little something like this: The guy called Zones 2 & 3. Me being the stealthy ninja I am, slide in line, and covered up the Zone on my ticket with my finger. He scanned it and off I went. Holler. Plenty of carry-on space to spare. Except. Oh dear. My luggage won't fit. It's bowing out too much.
The girl behind me is trying to help me but I just kind of bark at her to go by. I try to wedge my suitcase up above but it's not happening. In my rage I sort of shout out, "IT FIT ON THE WAY DOWN!!!" to no one in particular.
I yank it back out and in doing so take a HUGE chunk of skin out of my right pinkie.
My hand was seriously dripping blood. Again. No one was concerned that I was staining the cabin with my own blood.
Somehow I got the suitcase to fit and I plopped down. No sooner had I taken my seat that my row companion shuffled along. A woman in her mid-60's who waggled her finger at me alerting me to the fact that I needed to get up so she could get to her window seat.
She shimmied her way in and started to blow up her balloon pillow.
Honestly. It's a 55 minute flight. You really need your pillow for this? God some people are just so not hardcore.
The final piece in our row 20 jig-saw puzzle arrived. A tall German dude. Poor guy. Had to sit in the middle seat. If I didn't hate my arms so much I might have switched with him but that's what you get for not changing your seat online.
My finger hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Even with the Band-Aid and Neosporin I wrapped it in. (Yeah. I carry those things with me. So If you ever pinch your pinkie you know who to call.)
We prepared for take off. Now here's something I realized recently about myself. I pass the fuck OUT during take off. I don't know what it is but I am like a coma patient the second that plan starts to back away from the gate and it doesn't matter the time of day. Unfortunately my body is not aware that I have people directly next to me so I'm totally the person who's legs encroach on your already limited personal plane space. Or you'll look over and my mouth will be hanging wide open as I mouth breath on you.
In any case the German wasn't that thrilled about me being his row mate since I basically was salivating on him. But he got his revenge via annoying row woman sitting by the window.
You know how people read magazines and they flip the pages to get to the next part of the story? Yeah, this woman was basically the volleyball player of magazine reading. She'd lick her finger, serve the page up with a little push, sort of like what a volley ball player does during a serve, and then she'd THWACK it over, much like the server does to get the ball over the net. The noise was so intense and so loud and it literally sounded like grenades were being launched at my head.
*swish* *SWACK!*
*swish* *SWACK!*
*swish*.......(oh I think I'll read this article for a bit) *SWACK!!!*
And she was reading the SkyMall Magazine. Like that periodical that they keep on planes in case you feel like purchasing a recliner at 34,000 feet. She read the thing like front to back four times. I tried giving her the stink eye too but she had on the Bose-noise control-spaceship-400 horse power-built Ford tough-as expensive as a down payment on a house-headphones so nothing was getting to her.
After a bumpy ride and a few wobbly-wobblerson's mid-air, we finally landed and I was prepared to jump out of my seat and get my luggage first. But not before the old lady next to me shoved me back into my seat so she could retrieve her attache case. I elbowed granny and finally was able to stand up straight. I had on my new faux emerald ring from Forever 21. The woman who was sitting behind me goes, "Oh your ring is LOVELY! What....what stone is that?"
I looked at her and said, "Fake."
Honestly. Yes, from far away it looks like an Emerald but do you really think I'm wearing an Emerald ring the size of a dinner plate on Air Tran? In coach?
Come on.
The time finally came for me to grab my carry-on.
Oh dear. It was stuck. Uuuuh....I tugged a little harder at it. It wasn't moving.
Great. People were starting to get aggravated and I started to sweat. Damn it. I looked at the German who was not about to offer any help.
Finally I got it out. I sat it down in the aisle so I could rearrange my other carry-ons. In doing so my suitcase fell backwards and landed on the German, who made no attempt to pick it up for me.
I reached down to grab my bag and then looked the German in the eye. "Thanks for the help, but really. I got it." And sped off.
I don't really understand why I don't qualify for the damsel in distress assistance from people. I see other girls who drop their lip gloss and someone is right there to get it for them. I fall on my face, sever my pinkie off and nearly rip the door to the overhead off and no one bats and eye lash.
Until my next flight...
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